About Us

The Albanian Investment Corporation (AIC) was established by Law no. 71/2019 and is tasked with revitalizing and monetizing under-utilized public sector assets with ultimate goal of spurring economic growth. In order to fulfill its mission, the AIC conceptualizes, prepares and executes investment projects to draw in foreign investments, thereby contributing to diversified and sustainable economic development for Albania.

More About AIC

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Corporate Governance

The Corporation is governed by an Independent Supervisory Board and the Executive Director. The Board consists of seven members, four of whom are independent figures and three representatives appointed by the Ministry of Finance.

Supervisory Board

Members of the Supervisory Board are guided by fiduciary duties, including the duty of care, loyalty, confidentiality, integrity, and independence in relation to the Corporation.

The Supervisory Board enjoys operational autonomy in its activities and has the following duties:

  • Proposes for approval to the Assembly the Statute of the Corporation; its amendments and the Corporation Strategy.

  • Approves the business plan, annual work plans, investment projects, establishment of other legal structures of the Corporation, determines the performance indicators and monitors their performance.

  • Oversees the implementation of the Corporation's investment policies and projects.

  • Ensures the implementation of legal and financial standards by the Company in all its activities.

  • Appoints and dismisses the Executive Director.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is composed of nine members who are elected by the General Assembly

  • Has an advisory function in relation to the Supervisory Board and the Executive Director.

  • The Board consists of nine members who are appointed by the Assembly. Three members represent central institutions, two members are from International Development Financial Institutions, and the four other members are independent.

  • The members are selected taking into consideration the goal of providing the Corporation with top level expertise for its effective operation.


Albanian Investment Corporation has the following main objectives:

  • Promoting economic development through investment projects at a central, local and regional level, in support of state development policies.

  • Project analysis (transformation of “ideas” into “funded projects”) and financial structuring of projects.

  • Managing underutilized state assets, through making state properties more efficiently used.

  • Developing and financing investment projects – e.g., in industry, tourism, real estate, energy – by mobilizing state and/or private capital.

  • Assisting the government in reviewing and structuring investment projects.