Dual International Concept Design Competitions for 2 Public Institution Clusters and 2 Mixed-use Developments – Grouped in Pairs

We are delighted to announce that Phase I of the competitions concluded on July 5th at 3 PM. We received 56 applications from 37 teams for this phase, including prequalification documents and preliminary concepts: 32 applications for Call 1 and 24 applications for Call 2.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every participating team for their keen interest in these Calls and their dedicated efforts in producing deliverables for this competition.

The Selection Commission is currently evaluating the candidates based on their team composition, previous experience, methodology, vision statement, and preliminary concept. At the conclusion of this phase, the Commission will shortlist the top 5 teams and concepts from each of the Calls to continue working in Phase 2.

Announcement of Shortlist: July 15th


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