The project “For the Development and Management of State Buildings”

The project “For the Development and Management of State Buildings” by the Albanian Investment Corporation (AIC) represents a strategic initiative to improve the management and development of state properties through formalized collaboration with various governmental institutions:

  1. State Cadastre Agency;
  2. Property Treatment Agency;
  3. Territory Development Agency;
  4. National Agency for Territory Planning;
  5. State Authority for Geospatial Information.

Signing the Cooperation Agreements with five key agencies signals a collaborative approach to managing state real estate assets, leveraging joint expertise, data exchange, and support in cadastre, property management, territorial development, planning, and geospatial information.

These agreements define the legal and operational framework for cooperation, detailing the procedures for information exchange, mutual commitments, and communication protocols to ensure effective implementation. By partnering with these agencies, AIC aims to streamline processes related to the management of state property, including technical and legal assistance, procurement in urban planning and development, and access to vital geospatial and property status data.

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