Embrace Innovation: Be a Part of Albania’s DURANA Tech Park

During 2021-2023 the albanian Gov approved a legal framework aiming to ensure several financial and administrative benefits for IT companies/digital nomads. In these context on march 2024 the Albanian Government launched the first technological and scientific park, the DURANA Tech Park, situated in a site between Tirana and Durres city.

  • The DURANA Tech Park is designated to facilitate a range of activities, including, but not limited to:
    Software design: encompassing the analysis of software system requirements, designing system architecture, and detailed design of these systems.
  • Software development and maintenance: incorporating programming software systems, coding, installation, integration of all components, documentation, error identification and correction, modifications (post software deployment), and maintenance of all components which, in their operation, achieve the objective of the information technology solution.
  • Software testing: including functionality testing, workload testing, performance testing, code issue testing, system availability testing, and software system security testing.
  • Design and development of communication systems: involving analysis, planning, designing, implementation, deployment, and maintenance of information technology device network communication systems (LAN/WAN/WLAN/MAN/SAN/CAN).
  • Design and development of security systems: covering analysis of client security requirements, architecture design, installation and configuration of components, implementation, testing, and maintenance of system and product security.
  • Development of migration systems: entailing data transfer and relevant infrastructure migration from old technology to new technology and improvement of information technology systems.
  • Analysis of large-scale data systems: including processing systems analysis and analysis of large quantities of data, commonly referred to as Big Data, to build models for various business activities using artificial intelligence.
  • Innovation Consultancy: offering guidance on the utilization of information technology for innovation purposes (re-engineering) of business processes through the development of technical requirements for information systems and software.
  • Information security consulting: providing consultancy on technical and cryptographic protection of information, including the use of digital electronic signature.
    Consulting on audits, operations, management, user support, training, and consulting for information technology audits for software systems.
  • Research in the field of communication: engaging in research and development in natural and technical sciences, including information and communication technologies.
  • Research in the field of innovative program development: conducting research and development activities to expand the knowledge base and create new applications of available knowledge, including three types of research:
  • basic research,
  • applied research
  • experimental development.
  • Research and development in the field of robotics: involving the design (engineering), research, and testing of activities concerning robotic technologies, devices, and systems using computerized control systems.
  • Activities in the field of Cloud Computing: conducting research in Cloud Computing and assessing the risk of migrating on-premises services to Cloud services.
  • Other activities in the field of information technology, as determined by the responsible institution, in accordance with the authorization granted by the GVT Decision.

In light of this significant development, in the next days the Albanian Investment Corporation (AIC), acting as the Developer of DURANA Tech Park will imminently initiate the competitive procedure to select the Manager and Users of the DURANA Tech Park.


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